Journal IJCRT UGC-CARE, UGCCARE( ISSN: 2320-2882 ) | UGC Approved Journal | UGC Journal | UGC CARE Journal | UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, UGC CARE Journals, International Peer Reviewed Journal and Refereed Journal, ugc approved journal, UGC CARE, UGC CARE list, UGC CARE list of Journal, UGCCARE, care journal list, UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, New ugc care journal list, Research Journal, Research Journal Publication, Research Paper, Low cost research journal, Free of cost paper publication in Research Journal, High impact factor journal, Journal, Research paper journal, UGC CARE journal, UGC CARE Journals, ugc care list of journal, ugc approved list, ugc approved list of journal, Follow ugc approved journal, UGC CARE Journal, ugc approved list of journal, ugc care journal, UGC CARE list, UGC-CARE, care journal, UGC-CARE list, Journal publication, ISSN approved, Research journal, research paper, research paper publication, research journal publication, high impact factor, free publication, index journal, publish paper, publish Research paper, low cost publication, ugc approved journal, UGC CARE, ugc approved list of journal, ugc care journal, UGC CARE list, UGCCARE, care journal, UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, UGC CARE Journals, ugc care list of journal, ugc care list 2020, ugc care approved journal, ugc care list 2020, new ugc approved journal in 2020, ugc care list 2021, ugc approved journal in 2021, Scopus, web of Science.
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UGC Approved Journal, UGC Care Approved Journal, UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, UGC CARE Journals, ugc care list of journal, ugc approved journal, ugc approved journal list

  Publication Procedure & Guidelines

  1. Download IJCRT Paper Format and Prepare Paper based on Unique Content

  2. Submission of Manuscript/Paper ( Submit your paper online )

  3. Review of Your Paper within 2 Days You will get your Acceptance and Rejection Notification via Email and SMS.

  4. Download and Filling Copyright Form and Undertaking Form available in Author Home and Pay Publication charges

  5. Submission of Necessary Documents. ( send this all 5 Require Documents to

  6. After Receiving this all 5 required documents your paper will be publish within 3 to 4 Days.

Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers (not being considered for publication elsewhere) in standard format (that is provided) describing new theoretical and/or experimental research. Author can submit paper with have any number of pages including figures, tables, and references. Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, correctness, and presentation.

  Stages of publications procedure

  • Submit your research article/manuscript in .DOC/.DOCX file format to us by mail or online submission.
    • Submit online by clicking here
    • Submit by mail to In the subject of the mail write down “Submission of Manuscript/Research Paper: Name of Paper”. also mention paper category, title of the paper, fullname of author, designation, contact number In the message body of the mail.
  • Next to submission
    • Please prepare your research paper/manuscript in IJCRT paper format(click here for download the paper format).also Submitted papers MUST be written in English.
    • our team will give the acknowlegement by mail regarding paper submission. also author will get the submitted paper unique registration id.
    • Author can track his/her submitted paper status online by login to AUTHOR's HOME account.for login authors have to use paper registration id and corresponding author mail id.
  • Paper accept/reject notification - Out reviewer team will evaluate submitted research paper and give Notification of research paper accepted or not.
    • Author can also check in AUTHOR HOME account for the reviewer result.
    • In the case of paper accepted, authors have to pay Publication fees.
    • In the case of paper rejection, author have to make the modification as per instruction given by our reviewer committee.
  • Document submission - once payment of the publication fees, author have to submit following document in single mail to
    • Undertaking by Author Form (scanned copy)(Handwritten signed by author) (Download)
    • Copy right transfer form (scanned copy) (Handwritten signed by author) (Download)
    • Identity Proof of corresponding author only(scanned copy) (any one from election Card/PAN Card/College Identity card/Driving License)
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    • Final Manuscript/Research paper (must be in DOC file format and file name should be your registration ID)
  • Paper Publication - after receivingabove mentioned documents, our team will publish your paper in 3 to 4 of days.
  • Certificate of publication- author can download certificates of each author, confirmation letter, and published paper from AUTHOR HOME.

  What is AUTHOR HOME?

Author Home

IJCRT provide the account to each corresponding author individual. Once the paper submitted to IJCRT, corresponding author got the Account credential details in author provided Email address. Authors can check his/her paper details, Authors Details and Paper status from account.

Authors will download the soft copy of the published paper certificate, confirmation letters, and Published paper pdf file from his/her account after the paper will successfully published.

  Regarding reserach paper

Authors have to consider following criteria before publish the paper.

  • The manuscript submitted is author’s own original work;
  • All authors participated in the work in a substantive way and are prepared to take public responsibility for the work;
  • Corresponding (1st Author)Author was authorized by all authors to transfer all royalties related with the manuscript and to enter into a binding contract with IJCRT as detailed in this Copyright Release Form, and He/She will be responsible in the event of all disputes that have occurred and that may occur,
  • All authors have seen and approved the manuscript as submitted;
  • E-mail and street addresses of all authors have been entered into the IJCRT Journals Manuscript Submission and Evaluation System correctly,
  • The manuscript has not been published and is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere;
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  • All submitted papers will be sent to reviewers for a blind review. The reviewers use the following in evaluating research papers:Novel Contribution, Originality in Thought, Inferences, Key Strengths, Key Weaknesses, Areas of Improvement, Presentation/Organization of Research

  Number of Author for single Paper publication

Our basic publication fee include only 5 authors per single research paper. Maximum 5 author will be allowed for single paper publication

  Certificate of Paper publication

Our basic publication fee include softcopy of the certificates. we will provide e-certificate to each author individually, confirmation letter per research paper, and copy of the published paper with unique identification number.

our basic publication charge NOT include the hardcopy of the certificates.

if author wants hardcopy of the certificates, confirmation letter and copy of published paper then author have to pay additional hardcopy charges to IJCRT.

Call For Paper February 2025
Indexing Partner
ISSN and 7.97 Impact Factor Details

ISSN: 2320-2882
Impact Factor: 7.97 and ISSN APPROVED
Journal Starting Year (ESTD) : 2013
ISSN and 7.97 Impact Factor Details

ISSN: 2320-2882
Impact Factor: 7.97 and ISSN APPROVED
Journal Starting Year (ESTD) : 2013
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Indexing Partner

Scholarly open access journals, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, Impact factor 7.97 (Calculate by google scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool) , Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI)
